Author Archives: annadmin

Higher-order tangents and Fefferman’s paper on Whitney’s extension problem

Pages 361-370 by Edward Bierstone, Pierre D. Milman, Wiesław Pawłucki | From volume 164-1

On Zagier-Hoffman’s conjectures in positive characteristic

Pages 361-392 by Tuan Ngo Dac | From volume 194-1

Solution of the minimum modulus problem for covering systems

Pages 361-382 by Bob Hough | From volume 181-1

Nonuniform measure rigidity

Pages 361-400 by Boris Kalinin, Anatole Katok, Federico Rodriguez Hertz | From volume 174-1

Erratum: A corrected proof of the scale recurrence lemma from the paper “Stable intersections of regular Cantor sets with large Hausdorff dimensions”

Pages 363-374 by Carlos Gustavo T. de A. Moreira, Alex Mauricio Zamudio | From volume 195-1

Complex varieties with infinite Chow groups modulo 2

Pages 363-375 by Burt Totaro | From volume 183-1

On $L^\infty $ estimates for fully non-linear partial differential equations

Pages 365-398 by Bin Guo, Duong H. Phong | From volume 200-1

A proof of the Breuil-Schneider conjecture in the indecomposable case

Pages 367-382 by Claus M. Sorensen | From volume 177-1

The distribution of integers with a divisor in a given interval

Pages 367-433 by Kevin Ford | From volume 168-2

Combinatorial theorems in sparse random sets

Pages 367-454 by D. Conlon, W. T. Gowers | From volume 184-2

Universal bounds for hyperbolic Dehn surgery

Pages 367-421 by Craig Hodgson, Steven P. Kerckhoff | From volume 162-1

Diophantine approximation on planar curves and the distribution of rational points (with an Appendix by R. C. Vaughan)

Pages 367-426 by Victor Beresnevich, Detta Dickinson, Sanju Velani, R. C. Vaughan | From volume 166-2

Geometric and homological properties of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties

Pages 367-404 by Xuhua He | From volume 179-1

A refined version of the Siegel–Shidlovskii theorem

Pages 369-379 by Frits Beukers | From volume 163-1

Special $L$-values of Drinfeld modules

Pages 369-391 by Lenny Taelman | From volume 175-1

A geometric Littlewood–Richardson rule

Pages 371-422 by Ravi Vakil | From volume 164-2

KAM for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Pages 371-435 by L. Hakan Eliasson, Sergei B. Kuksin | From volume 172-1

Additive approximation for edge-deletion problems

Pages 371-411 by Noga Alon, Asaf Shapira, Benny Sudakov | From volume 170-1

The stable Adams conjecture and higher associative structures on Moore spectra

Pages 375-420 by Prasit Bhattacharya, Nitu Kitchloo | From volume 195-2

Robust transitive singular sets for 3-flows are partially hyperbolic attractors or repellers

Pages 375-432 by Carlos Arnoldo Morales, Maria José Pacifico, Enrique R. Pujals | From volume 160-2

On the classification of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras

Pages 375-417 by Nicolás Andruskiewitsch , Hans-Jürgen Schneider | From volume 171-1

$(\log t)^2/3$ law of the two dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process

Pages 377-405 by Horng-Tzer Yau | From volume 159-1

Global solutions of the Euler–Maxwell two-fluid system in 3D

Pages 377-498 by Yan Guo, Alexandru D. Ionescu, Benoit Pausader | From volume 183-2

The André-Oort conjecture for $\mathcal {A}_g$

Pages 379-390 by Jacob Tsimerman | From volume 187-2

Rational points on pencils of conics and quadrics with many degenerate fibres

Pages 381-402 by Tim D. Browning, Lilian Matthiesen, Alexei N. Skorobogatov | From volume 180-1

Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries

Pages 381-452 by Karim Adiprasito, June Huh, Eric Katz | From volume 188-2

Correction to “Classical groups and the Hasse principle”

Pages 381-381 by Eva Bayer-Fluckiger, Raman Parimala | From volume 163-1

The Parisi ultrametricity conjecture

Pages 383-393 by Dmitry Panchenko | From volume 177-1

A counterexample to the Hirsch Conjecture

Pages 383-412 by Francisco Santos | From volume 176-1

Decay of geometry for unimodal maps: An elementary proof

Pages 383-404 by Weixiao Shen | From volume 163-2

Small gaps between primes

Pages 383-413 by James Maynard | From volume 181-1

Small eigenvalues of the Laplacian for algebraic measures in moduli space, and mixing properties of the Teichmüller flow

Pages 385-442 by Artur Avila, Sébastien Gouëzel | From volume 178-2

The Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture for centrally-symmetric billiard tables

Pages 389-413 by Misha Bialy, Andrey E. Mironov | From volume 196-1

Infinite volume and infinite injectivity radius

Pages 389-421 by Mikolaj Fraczyk, Tsachik Gelander | From volume 197-1

Faltings heights of abelian varieties with complex multiplication

Pages 391-531 by Fabrizio Andreatta, Eyal Z. Goren, Benjamin Howard, Keerthi Madapusi Pera | From volume 187-2

The period-index problem for fields of transcendence degree $2$

Pages 391-427 by Max Lieblich | From volume 182-2

A $k$-linear triangulated category without a model

Pages 393-437 by Alice Rizzardo, Michel Van den Bergh | From volume 191-2

On $L^\infty $ estimates for complex Monge-Ampère equations

Pages 393-418 by Bin Guo, Duong H. Phong, Freid Tong | From volume 198-1

The threshold conjecture for the energy critical hyperbolic Yang–Mills equation

Pages 393-473 by Sung-Jin Oh, Daniel Tataru | From volume 194-2

Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of $L$-functions (II)

Pages 393-526 by Zhiwei Yun, Wei Zhang | From volume 189-2

Submultiplicativity and the Hanna Neumann Conjecture

Pages 393-414 by Igor Mineyev | From volume 175-1

Arithmetic group symmetry and finiteness properties of Torelli groups

Pages 395-423 by Alexandru Dimca, Stefan Papadima | From volume 177-2

Dynamics of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ over moduli space in genus two

Pages 397-456 by Curtis T. McMullen | From volume 165-2

Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds

Pages 397-488 by Bernard Host, Bryna R. Kra | From volume 161-1

Invariant Gibbs measures and global strong solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations in dimension two

Pages 399-486 by Yu Deng, Andrea R. Nahmod, Haitian Yue | From volume 200-2

On motivic cohomology with $\mathbf{Z}/l$-coefficients

Pages 401-438 by Vladimir Voevodsky | From volume 174-1

Corrigendum to: Operator monotone functions and Löwner functions of several variables

Pages 403-405 by Jim Agler, John E. McCarthy, Nicholas J. Young | From volume 180-1

Affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake in mixed characteristic

Pages 403-492 by Xinwen Zhu | From volume 185-2

The resolution of the Nirenberg–Treves conjecture

Pages 405-444 by Nils Dencker | From volume 163-2

A product theorem in free groups

Pages 405-429 by Alexander A. Razborov | From volume 179-2

Rectifiability of singular sets of noncollapsed limit spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below

Pages 407-538 by Jeff Cheeger, Wenshuai Jiang, Aaron Naber | From volume 193-2

Calabi flow, geodesic rays, and uniqueness of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics

Pages 407-454 by Xiuxiong Chen, Song Sun | From volume 180-2

Classification of prime 3-manifolds with $\sigma$-invariant greater than $\Bbb{RP}^3$

Pages 407-424 by Hubert L. Bray, André Neves | From volume 159-1

Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums and applications

Pages 413-500 by Emmanuel Kowalski, Philippe Michel, Will Sawin | From volume 186-2

Rational points over finite fields for regular models of algebraic varieties of Hodge type $\geq 1$

Pages 413-508 by Pierre Berthelot, Hélène Esnault, Kay Rülling | From volume 176-1

Local connectivity of Julia sets for unicritical polynomials

Pages 413-426 by Jeremy Kahn, Mikhail Lyubich | From volume 170-1

Pseudorandom generators hard for $k$-DNF resolution and polynomial calculus resolution

Pages 415-472 by Alexander A. Razborov | From volume 181-2

Non-uniqueness of Leray solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations

Pages 415-455 by Dallas Albritton, Elia Brué, Maria Colombo | From volume 196-1

The Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture and Drinfeld’s associators

Pages 415-463 by Anton Alekseev, Charles Torossian | From volume 175-2

The Frobenius structure theorem for affine log Calabi-Yau varieties containing a torus

Pages 419-536 by Sean Keel, Tony Yue YU | From volume 198-2

Dyson’s ranks and Maass forms

Pages 419-449 by Kathrin Bringmann, Ken Ono | From volume 171-1

Pair correlation densities of inhomogeneous quadratic forms

Pages 419-471 by Jens Marklof | From volume 158-2

Measures of maximal entropy for surface diffeomorphisms

Pages 421-508 by Jérôme Buzzi, Sylvain Crovisier, Omri Sarig | From volume 195-2

The diameter of the isomorphism class of a Banach space

Pages 423-437 by William B. Johnson, Edward Odell | From volume 162-1

Comptage des systèmes locaux $\ell$-adiques sur une courbe

Pages 423-531 by Hongjie Yu | From volume 197-2

Automorphic distributions, L-functions, and Voronoi summation for GL(3)

Pages 423-488 by Stephen D. Miller, Wilfried Schmid | From volume 164-2

On planar web geometry through abelian relations and connections

Pages 425-445 by Alain Hénaut | From volume 159-1

Descente par éclatements en $K$-théorie invariante par homotopie

Pages 425-448 by Denis-Charles Cisinski | From volume 177-2

A topological Tits alternative

Pages 427-474 by Emmanuel Breuillard, Tsachik Gelander | From volume 166-2

Fitting a $C^m$-smooth function to data, III

Pages 427-441 by Charles Fefferman | From volume 170-1

Almost contact 5-manifolds are contact

Pages 429-490 by Roger Casals, Dishant M. Pancholi, Francisco Presas | From volume 182-2

Limit theorems for translation flows

Pages 431-499 by Alexander I. Bufetov | From volume 179-2

Cover times for Brownian motion and random walks in two dimensions

Pages 433-464 by Amir Dembo, Yuval Peres, Jay Rosen, Ofer Zeitouni | From volume 160-2

Knot concordance, Whitney towers and $L^2$-signatures

Pages 433-519 by Tim D. Cochran, Kent E. Orr, Peter Teichner | From volume 157-2

Entropy and the localization of eigenfunctions

Pages 435-475 by Nalini Anantharaman | From volume 168-2

Center conditions at infinity for Abel differential equations

Pages 437-483 by Miriam Briskin, Nina Roytvarf, Yosef Yomdin | From volume 172-1

The Weyl bound for Dirichlet $L$-functions of cube-free conductor

Pages 437-486 by Ian Petrow, Matthew P. Young | From volume 192-2

On the hardness of approximating vertex cover

Pages 439-485 by Irit Dinur, Samuel Safra | From volume 162-1

Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture

Pages 439-484 by Samit Dasgupta, Henri Darmon, Robert Pollack | From volume 174-1

Birational Calabi-Yau manifolds have the same small quantum products

Pages 439-579 by Mark McLean | From volume 191-2

Optimal asymptotic bounds for spherical designs

Pages 443-452 by Andriy Bondarenko, Danylo Radchenko, Maryna Viazovska | From volume 178-2

Exponential growth and an asymptotic formula for the ranks of homotopy groups of a finite 1-connected complex

Pages 443-464 by Yves Felix, Steve Halperin, Jean-Claude Thomas | From volume 170-1

Periodic simple groups of finitary linear transformations

Pages 445-498 by Jonathan I. Hall | From volume 163-2

Motivic invariants of birational maps

Pages 445-478 by Hsueh-Yung Lin, Evgeny Shinder | From volume 199-1

The main conjecture for ${\rm CM}$ elliptic curves at supersingular primes

Pages 447-464 by Robert Pollack, Karl Rubin | From volume 159-1

The lens space realization problem

Pages 449-511 by Joshua Evan Greene | From volume 177-2

Nontangential limits in $\mathcal{P}^t(\mu)$-spaces and the index of invariant subgroups

Pages 449-490 by Alexandru Aleman, Stefan Richter, Carl Sundberg | From volume 169-2

On the ergodicity of partially hyperbolic systems

Pages 451-489 by Keith Burns, Amie Wilkinson | From volume 171-1

On irreducible representations of compact $p$-adic analytic groups

Pages 453-557 by Konstantin Ardakov, Simon Wadsley | From volume 178-2

Blocks of symmetric groups, semicuspidal KLR algebras and zigzag Schur-Weyl duality

Pages 453-512 by Anton Evseev, Alexander Kleshchev | From volume 188-2

Stable logarithmic maps to Deligne–Faltings pairs I

Pages 455-521 by Qile Chen | From volume 180-2

Imaginary geometry III: reversibility of $\mathrm{SLE}_\kappa$ for $\kappa \in (4,8)$

Pages 455-486 by Jason Miller, Scott Sheffield | From volume 184-2

On the Chowla and twin primes conjectures over $\mathbb F_q[T]$

Pages 457-506 by Will Sawin, Mark Shusterman | From volume 196-2

Monopoles and lens space surgeries

Pages 457-546 by Peter Kronheimer, Tomasz Mrowka, Peter Ozsváth, Zoltán Szabó | From volume 165-2

Pólya-Schur master theorems for circular domains and their boundaries

Pages 465-492 by Julius Borcea, Petter Brändén | From volume 170-1

Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: Transitions in dimensions 4, 8, 12,…

Pages 465-491 by Itai Benjamini, Harry Kesten, Yuval Peres, Oded Schramm | From volume 160-2

Ricci flow with surgery on manifolds with positive isotropic curvature

Pages 465-559 by Simon Brendle | From volume 190-2

The quantitative behaviour of polynomial orbits on nilmanifolds

Pages 465-540 by Ben Green, Terence Tao | From volume 175-2

Repulsion and quantization in almost-harmonic maps, and asymptotics of the harmonic map flow

Pages 465-534 by Peter Topping | From volume 159-2

Properly embedded minimal planar domains

Pages 473-546 by William H. Meeks III, Joaquín Pérez, Antonio Ros | From volume 181-2