Proof of the Kurlberg-Rudnick rate conjecture
Pages 1-54 by
Uniform approximation on manifolds
Pages 55-73 by
Generalized complex geometry
Pages 75-123 by
The absolutely continuous spectrum of Jacobi matrices
Pages 125-171 by
On the spectral side of Arthur’s trace formula — combinatorial setup
Pages 197-223 by
The Boltzmann-Grad limit of the periodic Lorentz gas
Pages 225-298 by
Sur les groupes de transformations birationnelles des surfaces
Pages 299-340 by
Nonuniform measure rigidity
Pages 361-400 by
On motivic cohomology with $\mathbf{Z}/l$-coefficients
Pages 401-438 by
Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture
Pages 439-484 by
Wiener’s `closure of translates’ problem and Piatetski-Shapiro’s uniqueness phenomenon
Pages 519-541 by
First cohomology groups of Chevalley groups in cross characteristic
Pages 543-559 by
A new proof of the graph removal lemma
Pages 561-579 by
On the Ramanujan conjecture over number fields
Pages 581-605 by
A remark on the convolution with the box spline
Pages 607-618 by
On Roth’s theorem on progressions
Pages 619-636 by
On the distortion of knots on embedded surfaces
Pages 637-646 by