Mapping Hilbert cube manifolds to ANR’s: A solution of a conjecture of Borsuk
Pages 1-18 by
From volume 106-1
An algebraic formula for the degree of a $C^\infty$ map germ (with an appendix by Bernard Teissier “Sur une inégalité à la Minkowski pour les multiplicités)
Pages 19-44 by
From volume 106-1
On the moduli of vector bundles on an algebraic surface
Pages 45-60 by
From volume 106-1
Compact 3-manifolds of constant negative curvature fibering over the circle
Pages 61-72 by
From volume 106-1
Homology for zero-dimensional nonwandering sets
Pages 73-92 by
From volume 106-1
Weak type estimates for singular values and the number of bound states of Schrödinger operators
Pages 93-100 by
From volume 106-1
The homeomorphism group of a compact Hilbert cube manifold is an ANR
Pages 101-119 by
From volume 106-1
Some $C^\ast$-algebras with outer derivations. III
Pages 121-143 by
From volume 106-1
Systems of differential equations with regular singularities and their boundary value problems
Pages 145-200 by
From volume 106-1
A generalized sphere theorem
Pages 201-211 by
From volume 106-1
On boundaries of complex analytic varieties. II
Pages 213-238 by
From volume 106-2
Characterization of Fuchsian group whose integrable forms are bounded
Pages 239-258 by
From volume 106-2
Random rearrangements of Fourier coefficients
Pages 259-268 by
From volume 106-2
La transversalité topologique
Pages 269-293 by
From volume 106-2
Tensor products of finite and infinite dimensional representations of semisimple Lie groups
Pages 295-308 by
From volume 106-2
Asymptotic behaviour of free boundaries at their singular points
Pages 309-317 by
From volume 106-2
Local biholomorphic straightening of real submanifolds
Pages 319-352 by
From volume 106-2
A characterization of Chevalley groups over fields of odd order. Part I
Pages 353-398 by
From volume 106-2
A characterization of Chevalley groups over fields of odd order. Part II
Pages 399-468 by
From volume 106-3
Periodic phenomena in the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence
Pages 469-516 by
From volume 106-3
On the singular cardinal problems. II
Pages 517-547 by
From volume 106-3
Anosov foliations are hyperfinite
Pages 549-565 by
From volume 106-3
Factorization of $L^\infty$ functions
Pages 567-572 by
From volume 106-3
Orbit spaces of unitary representations, ergodic theory, and simple Lie groups
Pages 573-588 by
From volume 106-3
Isomorphisms of Galois groups of algebraic function fields
Pages 589-598 by
From volume 106-3
On the non-triviality of some group extensions given by generators and relations
Pages 599-612 by
From volume 106-3