Volume 191, Issue 3 – May 2020

A Luna étale slice theorem for algebraic stacks

Pages 675-738 by Jarod Alper, Jack Hall, David Rydh

Arthur parameters and cuspidal automorphic modules of classical groups

Pages 739-827 by Dihua Jiang, Lei Zhang

Highly connected $7$-manifolds and non-negative sectional curvature

Pages 829-892 by Sebastian Goette, Martin Kerin, Krishnan Shankar

A geometric version of the circle method

Pages 893-948 by Tim Browning, Will Sawin

Uniform Manin-Mumford for a family of genus 2 curves

Pages 949-1001 by Laura DeMarco, Holly Krieger, Hexi Ye

A minimizing valuation is quasi-monomial

Pages 1003-1030 by Chenyang Xu