Volume 199, Issue 2 – March 2024

On the generic part of the cohomology of non-compact unitary Shimura varieties

Pages 483-590 by Ana Caraiani, Peter Scholze

Prime number theorem for analytic skew products

Pages 591-705 by Adam Kanigowski, Mariusz Lemańczyk, Maksym Radziwiłł

Generalized soap bubbles and the topology of manifolds with positive scalar curvature

Pages 707-740 by Otis Chodosh, Chao Li

Pointwise convergence of the non-linear Fourier transform

Pages 741-793 by A. Poltoratski

Wilkie’s conjecture for Pfaffian structures

Pages 795-821 by Gal Binyamini, Dmitry Novikov, Benny Zak

Canonical representations of surface groups

Pages 823-897 by Aaron Landesman, Daniel Litt

Oka properties of complements of holomorphically convex sets

Pages 899-917 by Yuta Kusakabe

The asymptotics of $r(4,t)$

Pages 919-941 by Sam Mattheus, Jacques Verstraete