Volume 88, Issue 2, September 1968

Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties of complex multiplication type

Pages 161-180 by Henry Pohlmann

Formal cohomology. I

Pages 181-217 by Paul Monsky, Gerard Washnitzer

Formal cohomology. II. The cohomology sequence of a pair

Pages 218-238 by Paul Monsky

The elementary theory of finite fields

Pages 239-271 by James Ax

The word problem in fundamental groups of sufficiently large irreducible 3-manifolds

Pages 272-280 by Friedhelm Waldhausen

On the set of non-locally flat points of a submanifold of codimension one

Pages 281-290 by Robion C. Kirby

On the homotopy groups of $BPL$ and $PL/O$

Pages 291-311 by Gregory Brumfiel

On torsion-free groups with infinitely many ends

Pages 312-334 by John R. Stallings

On groups acting on locally finite graphs

Pages 335-340 by George M. Bergman