Articles To appear in forthcoming issues

Mahler’s method in several variables and finite automata

by Boris Adamczewski, Colin Faverjon

Naked singularity censoring with anisotropic apparent horizon

by Xinliang An

Weil-Peterson curves $\beta$-numbers, and minimal surfaces

by Christopher J. Bishop

The chromatic Nullstellensatz

by Robert Burklund, Tomer M. Schlank, Allen Yuan

A new approach to strong convergence

by Chi-Fang Chen, Jorge Garza-Vargas, Joel A. Tropp, Ramon van Handel

Fractal uncertainty in higher dimensions

by Alex Cohen

The interior of dynamical vacuum black holes I: The $C^0$-stability of the Kerr Cauchy horizon

by Mihalis Dafermos, Jonathan Luk

An approach to the universality using Weyl $m$-functions

by Benjamin Eichinger, Milivoje Lukić, Brian Simanek

A motivic filtration on the topological cyclic homology of commutative ring spectra

by Jeremy Hahn, Arpon Raksit, Dylan Wilson

On the coherence of one-relator groups and their group algebras

by Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, Marco Linton

Critical almost Mathieu operator: hidden singularity, gap continuity, and the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum

by Svetlana Jitomirskaya, Igor Krasovsky

Loop structure on equivariant $K$-theory of semi-infinite flag manifolds

by Syu Kato

Eisenstein-Kronecker classes, integrality of critical values of Hecke  $L$-functions and $p$-adic interpolation

by Guido Kings, Johannes Sprang

Independence of $\ell$ for Frobenius conjubacy classes attached to abelian varieties

by Mark Kisin, Rong Zhou

The Shafarevich conjecture for hypersurfaces in abelian varieties

by Brian Lawrence, Will Sawin

The endoscopic fundamental lemma for unitary Friedberg–Jacquet periods

by Spencer Leslie

On the stability of multi-dimensional rarefaction waves II: Existence of solutions and applications to Riemann problem

by Tian-Wen Luo, Pin Yu

On the stability of multi-dimensional rarefaction waves I: The energy estimates

by Tian-Wen Luo, Pin Yu

Symmetric power functoriality for Hilbert modular forms

by James Newton, Jack Thorne

On locally analytic vectors of the completed cohomology of modular curves II

by Lue Pan

Effective version of Ratner’s equidistribution theorem for $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{R})$

by Lei Yang

Arithmetic bigness and a uniform Bogomolov-type result

by Xinyi Yuan

Mod-$p$ Poincaré duality in $p$-adic analytic geometry

by Bogdan Zavyalov