The classification of Kleinian surface groups, II: The Ending Lamination Conjecture
Pages 1-149 by
From volume 176-1
Convergent sequences of dense graphs II. Multiway cuts and statistical physics
Pages 151-219 by
From volume 176-1
Coarse differentiation of quasi-isometries I: Spaces not quasi-isometric to Cayley graphs
Pages 221-260 by
From volume 176-1
Minimal co-volume hyperbolic lattices, II: Simple torsion in a Kleinian group
Pages 261-301 by
From volume 176-1
Compact group automorphisms, addition formulas and Fuglede-Kadison determinants
Pages 303-347 by
From volume 176-1
Sharp constants in several inequalities on the Heisenberg group
Pages 349-381 by
From volume 176-1
A counterexample to the Hirsch Conjecture
Pages 383-412 by
From volume 176-1
Rational points over finite fields for regular models of algebraic varieties of Hodge type $\geq 1$
Pages 413-508 by
From volume 176-1
A structure theorem for Boolean functions with small total influences
Pages 509-533 by
From volume 176-1
Finiteness of central configurations of five bodies in the plane
Pages 535-588 by
From volume 176-1
Abelian varieties isogenous to a Jacobian
Pages 589-635 by
From volume 176-1
The existence of an abelian variety over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ isogenous to no Jacobian
Pages 637-650 by
From volume 176-1
An effective result of André-Oort type
Pages 651-671 by
From volume 176-1
Quadratic Julia sets with positive area
Pages 673-746 by
From volume 176-2
Overholonomicity of overconvergent $F$-isocrystals over smooth varieties
Pages 747-813 by
From volume 176-2
Deforming three-manifolds with positive scalar curvature
Pages 815-863 by
From volume 176-2
Căldăraru’s conjecture and Tsygan’s formality
Pages 865-923 by
From volume 176-2
Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory
Pages 925-978 by
From volume 176-2
Every convex free basic semi-algebraic set has an LMI representation
Pages 979-1013 by
From volume 176-2
Langlands base change for $\mathrm{GL}(2)$
Pages 1015-1038 by
From volume 176-2
Complete asymptotic expansion of the integrated density of states of multidimensional almost-periodic Schrödinger operators
Pages 1039-1096 by
From volume 176-2
Complex multiplication cycles and Kudla-Rapoport divisors
Pages 1097-1171 by
From volume 176-2
Sharp Hölder continuity of tangent cones for spaces with a lower Ricci curvature bound and applications
Pages 1173-1229 by
From volume 176-2
An inverse theorem for the Gowers $U^{s+1}[N]$-norm
Pages 1231-1372 by
From volume 176-2
Thom series of contact singularities
Pages 1381-1426 by
From volume 176-3
A combination theorem for special cube complexes
Pages 1427-1482 by
From volume 176-3
2-source dispersers for $n^{o(1)}$ entropy, and Ramsey graphs beating the Frankl-Wilson construction
Pages 1483-1544 by
From volume 176-3
Linear Shafarevich conjecture
Pages 1545-1581 by
From volume 176-3
Linearization of generalized interval exchange maps
Pages 1583-1646 by
From volume 176-3
Le lemme fondamental pondéré. II. Énoncés cohomologiques
Pages 1647-1781 by
From volume 176-3
Operator monotone functions and Löwner functions of several variables
Pages 1783-1826 by
From volume 176-3
Conformal loop ensembles: the Markovian characterization and the loop-soup construction
Pages 1827-1917 by
From volume 176-3
On geometric transfer in real twisted endoscopy
Pages 1919-1985 by
From volume 176-3
Hereditary approximation property
Pages 1987-2001 by
From volume 176-3
The Nash problem for surfaces
Pages 2003-2029 by
From volume 176-3
The second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthogonal group
Pages 2031-2054 by
From volume 176-3
Values of certain $L$-series in positive characteristic
Pages 2055-2093 by
From volume 176-3