Proof of the Kurlberg-Rudnick rate conjecture
Pages 1-54 by
From volume 174-1
Uniform approximation on manifolds
Pages 55-73 by
From volume 174-1
Generalized complex geometry
Pages 75-123 by
From volume 174-1
The absolutely continuous spectrum of Jacobi matrices
Pages 125-171 by
From volume 174-1
On the spectral side of Arthur’s trace formula — absolute convergence
Pages 173-195 by
From volume 174-1
On the spectral side of Arthur’s trace formula — combinatorial setup
Pages 197-223 by
From volume 174-1
The Boltzmann-Grad limit of the periodic Lorentz gas
Pages 225-298 by
From volume 174-1
Sur les groupes de transformations birationnelles des surfaces
Pages 299-340 by
From volume 174-1
Nonuniform measure rigidity
Pages 361-400 by
From volume 174-1
On motivic cohomology with $\mathbf{Z}/l$-coefficients
Pages 401-438 by
From volume 174-1
Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture
Pages 439-484 by
From volume 174-1
The Bohnenblust-Hille inequality for homogeneous polynomials is hypercontractive
Pages 485-497 by
From volume 174-1
On the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of rings of polynomial invariants
Pages 499-517 by
From volume 174-1
Wiener’s `closure of translates’ problem and Piatetski-Shapiro’s uniqueness phenomenon
Pages 519-541 by
From volume 174-1
First cohomology groups of Chevalley groups in cross characteristic
Pages 543-559 by
From volume 174-1
A new proof of the graph removal lemma
Pages 561-579 by
From volume 174-1
On the Ramanujan conjecture over number fields
Pages 581-605 by
From volume 174-1
A remark on the convolution with the box spline
Pages 607-618 by
From volume 174-1
On Roth’s theorem on progressions
Pages 619-636 by
From volume 174-1
On the distortion of knots on embedded surfaces
Pages 637-646 by
From volume 174-1
Rearrangement inequalities and applications to isoperimetric problems for eigenvalues
Pages 647-755 by
From volume 174-2
Description of two soliton collision for the quartic gKdV equation
Pages 757-857 by
From volume 174-2
A nearly-optimal method to compute the truncated theta function, its derivatives, and integrals
Pages 859-889 by
From volume 174-2
Fast methods to compute the Riemann zeta function
Pages 891-946 by
From volume 174-2
Loop groups and twisted $K$-theory III
Pages 947-1007 by
From volume 174-2
Arithmetic groups have rational representation growth
Pages 1009-1056 by
From volume 174-2
A height gap theorem for finite subsets of $\mathrm{GL}_{d}(\overline{\Bbb{Q}})$ and nonamenable subgroups
Pages 1057-1110 by
From volume 174-2
Mesures stationnaires et fermés invariants des espaces homogénes
Pages 1111-1162 by
From volume 174-2
The Evans-Krylov theorem for nonlocal fully nonlinear equations
Pages 1163-1187 by
From volume 174-2
The single ring theorem
Pages 1189-1217 by
From volume 174-2
Representation theoretic patterns in three dimensional Cryo-Electron Microscopy I: The intrinsic reconstitution algorithm
Pages 1219-1241 by
From volume 174-2
Asymptotics of Toeplitz, Hankel, and Toeplitz+Hankel determinants with Fisher-Hartwig singularities
Pages 1243-1299 by
From volume 174-2
From real affine geometry to complex geometry
Pages 1301-1428 by
From volume 174-3
Estimates for the maximal singular integral in terms of the singular integral: the case of even kernels
Pages 1429-1483 by
From volume 174-3
On De Giorgi’s conjecture in dimension $N\ge 9$
Pages 1485-1569 by
From volume 174-3
The link between the shape of the irrational Aubry-Mather sets and their Lyapunov exponents
Pages 1571-1601 by
From volume 174-3
The spherical Hecke algebra for affine Kac-Moody groups I
Pages 1603-1642 by
From volume 174-3
Stratifying modular representations of finite groups
Pages 1643-1684 by
From volume 174-3
Eigenvarieties for reductive groups
Pages 1685-1784 by
From volume 174-3
On a problem posed by Steve Smale
Pages 1785-1836 by
From volume 174-3
On a problem in simultaneous Diophantine approximation: Schmidt’s conjecture
Pages 1837-1883 by
From volume 174-3
The Waring problem for finite simple groups
Pages 1885-1950 by
From volume 174-3
Corrigendum to “A smooth foliation of the 5-sphere by complex surfaces”
Pages 1951-1952 by
From volume 174-3