Finite groups whose Sylow 2-subgroups are the direct product of two dihedral groups
Pages 1-54 by
From volume 95-1
On $p$-divisible groups over complete valuation rings
Pages 55-65 by
From volume 95-1
Periodic flows on three-manifolds
Pages 66-82 by
From volume 95-1
Pointwise periodic homeomorphisms of continua
Pages 83-85 by
From volume 95-1
Fundamental groups of 3-manifolds which are extensions
Pages 86-93 by
From volume 95-1
On $K_2$ and some classical conjectures in algebraic number theory
Pages 99-116 by
From volume 95-1
An application of von Neumann algebras to finite difference equations
Pages 117-129 by
From volume 95-1
Class fields over real quadratic fields and Hecke operators
Pages 130-190 by
From volume 95-1
Implicit function theorems and isometric embeddings
Pages 191-225 by
From volume 95-2
A theorem on semi-simple $\mathcal{P}$-adic groups
Pages 226-242 by
From volume 95-2
On automorphism groups of the fields of automorphic functions
Pages 243-252 by
From volume 95-2
Invariant subspaces for certain commuting operators on Hilbert space
Pages 253-260 by
From volume 95-2
Banach algebras for Jacobi series and positivity of a kernel
Pages 261-280 by
From volume 95-2
On higher order Weierstrass points
Pages 281-356 by
From volume 95-2
The intermediate Jacobian of the cubic threefold
Pages 281-356 by
From volume 95-2
Corrections to “The Nielsen number of a fibre map”
Pages 365-367 by
From volume 95-2
Generalizations of the Kervaire invariant
Pages 368-383 by
From volume 95-2
Surgery with coefficients in a field
Pages 385-405 by
From volume 95-3
Approximating codimension $3$ embeddings
Pages 406-416 by
From volume 95-3
On the first variaton of a varifold
Pages 406-416 by
From volume 95-3
Geodesic flows on negatively curved manifolds. I
Pages 492-510 by
From volume 95-3
Quotient spaces modulo reductive algebraic groups
Pages 511-556 by
From volume 95-3
A defect relation for equidimensional holomorphic mappings between algebraic varieties
Pages 557-584 by
From volume 95-3
Some remarks concerning priorities, in connection with our paper “On seminorms and probabilities”
Pages 585-585 by
From volume 95-3