Small amplitude limit cycles and the distribution of zeros of families of analytic functions
Pages 227-243 by
Comparing Poincaré densities
Pages 245-267 by
Global density of reducible quasi-periodic cocycles on $\mathbf{T}^1 \times \mathrm{SU}(2)$
Pages 269-326 by
Composition factors of monodromy groups
Pages 327-345 by
Congruences of Néron models for tori and the Artin conductor (with an appendix by Ehud de Shalit)
Pages 347-382 by
Diameters of finite simple groups: sharp bounds and applications
Pages 383-406 by
Periodic complexes and group actions
Pages 407-435 by
Isospectral pairs of metrics on balls, spheres, and other manifolds with different local geometries
Pages 437-475 by
Nonvanishing of $L$-values and the Weyl law
Pages 477-502 by
A local monotonicity formula for mean curvature flow
Pages 503-525 by