On $L^\infty $ estimates for fully non-linear partial differential equations


\par Sharp $L^\infty $ estimates are obtained for general classes of fully non-linear PDE’s on non-Kähler manifolds, complementing the theory developed earlier by the authors in joint work with F. Tong for the Kähler case. The key idea is still a comparison with an auxiliary Monge-Ampère equation, but this time on a ball with Dirichlet boundary conditions, so that it always admits a unique solution. The method applies not just to compact Hermitian manifolds, but also to the Dirichlet problem, to open manifolds with a positive lower bound on their injectivity radii, to $(n-1)$ form equations, and even to non-integrable almost-complex or symplectic manifolds. It is the first method applicable in any generality to large classes of non-linear equations, and it usually improves on other methods when they happen to be available for specific equations.


Bin Guo

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ

Duong H. Phong

Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY