Author Archives: mak

On the set of non-locally flat points of a submanifold of codimension one

Pages 281-290 by Robion C. Kirby | From volume 88-2

Shadows and convexity of surfaces

Pages 281-293 by Mohammad Ghomi | From volume 155-1

On the number of periodic trajectories for a Hamiltonian flow on a convex energy surface

Pages 283-319 by Ivar Ekeland, Jean-Michel Lasry | From volume 112-2

The number of solutions of $\phi(x)=m$

Pages 283-311 by Kevin Ford | From volume 150-1

Variétiés stablement rationnelles non rationnelles

Pages 283-318 by Arnaud Beauville, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Jacques Sansuc, Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer | From volume 121-2

Schur indices and cyclic defect groups

Pages 283-304 by Mark Benard | From volume 103-2

$C$ is not algebraically equivalent to $C^- $ in its Jacobian

Pages 285-291 by Giuseppe Ceresa | From volume 117-2

Locally symmetric and rigid factors for complex manifolds via harmonic maps

Pages 285-300 by Sidney Frankel | From volume 141-2

Interpolation and embedding in the recursively enumerable degrees

Pages 285-314 by Robert W. Robinson | From volume 93-2

Continuous families of isospectral metrics on simply connected manifolds

Pages 287-308 by Dorothee Schueth | From volume 149-1

On vector fields as generators of flows: A counterexample to Nelson’s conjecture

Pages 287-296 by Michael Aizenman | From volume 107-2

The Poincaré problem in the nondicritical case

Pages 289-294 by Manuel M. Carnicer | From volume 140-2

Induction and structure theorems for orthogonal representations of finite groups

Pages 291-325 by Andreas W. M. Dress | From volume 102-2

On some games which are relevant to the theory of recursively enumerable sets

Pages 291-310 by Alistair H. Lachlan | From volume 91-2

The uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy for geodesic flows on rank $1$ manifolds

Pages 291-314 by Gerhard Knieper | From volume 148-1

On the homotopy groups of $BPL$ and $PL/O$

Pages 291-311 by Gregory Brumfiel | From volume 88-2

The $L^2$-index theorem for homogeneous spaces of Lie groups

Pages 291-330 by Alain Connes, Henri Moscovici | From volume 115-2

A uniform generalized Schoenflies theorem

Pages 292-304 by Perrin Wright | From volume 89-2

Ergodicity of billiard flows and quadratic differentials

Pages 293-311 by Steven Kerckhoff, Howard Masur, John Smillie | From volume 124-2

Groups generated by reflections and aspherical manifolds not covered by Euclidean space

Pages 293-324 by Michael W. Davis | From volume 117-2

Toward a numerical theory of ampleness

Pages 293-344 by Steven L. Kleiman | From volume 84-3

Moduli space, heights and isospectral sets of plane domains

Pages 293-362 by Brad Osgood, Ralph Phillips, Peter Sarnak | From volume 129-2

Distribution of the partition function modulo $m$

Pages 293-307 by Ken Ono | From volume 151-1

Subgroups generated by root elements in groups of Lie type

Pages 293-361 by Martin W. Liebeck, Gary M. Seitz | From volume 139-2

Moduli and fibre systems of abelian varieties

Pages 294-338 by Goro Shimura | From volume 83-2

Tensor products of finite and infinite dimensional representations of semisimple Lie groups

Pages 295-308 by Gregg Zuckerman | From volume 106-2

On $p$-adic Hecke algebras for $\mathrm{GL}_2$ over totally real fields

Pages 295-384 by Haruzo Hida | From volume 128-2

Stably ergodic diffeomorphisms

Pages 295-329 by Matthew Grayson, Charles Pugh, Michael Shub | From volume 140-2

Elliptic curves with large rank over function fields

Pages 295-315 by Douglas Ulmer | From volume 155-1

Parametrizing nilpotent orbits via Bruhat-Tits theory

Pages 295-332 by Stephen DeBacker | From volume 156-1

A steepest descent method for oscillatory Riemann–Hilbert problems. Asymptotics for the MKdV equation

Pages 295-368 by Percy Deift, Xin Zhou | From volume 137-2

Cartan subgroups and lattices in semi-simple groups

Pages 296-317 by Gopal Prasad, Madabusi Santanam Raghunathan | From volume 96-2

Finite subgroups and isogenies of one-parameter formal Lie groups

Pages 296-302 by Jonathan Lubin | From volume 85-2

Wall’s surgery obstruction groups for $G\times Z$

Pages 296-334 by Julius L. Shaneson | From volume 90-2

On Brown-Peterson cohomology of QX

Pages 297-328 by Takuji Kashiwabara | From volume 153-2

Extending morphisms of groups and graphs

Pages 297-323 by Michael Aschbacher, Yoav Segev | From volume 135-2

Finite simple groups in which the generalized fitting group of the centralizer of some involution is extraspecial

Pages 297-369 by Franz Timmesfeld | From volume 107-2

Instability in invariant theory

Pages 299-316 by George R. Kempf | From volume 108-2

Consistency proofs of subsystems of classical analysis

Pages 299-348 by Gaisi Takeuti | From volume 86-2

The Szegö projection need not preserve global analyticity

Pages 301-330 by Michael Christ | From volume 143-2

Harmonic maps of the two-sphere into a complex Grassmannian manifold. II

Pages 301-335 by Shiing-Shen Chern, Jon G. Wolfson | From volume 125-2

$L^\infty$ norms of eigenfunctions of arithmetic surfaces

Pages 301-320 by Henryk Iwaniec, Peter Sarnak | From volume 141-2

Mapping class groups are automatic

Pages 303-384 by Lee Mosher | From volume 142-2

Space of unitary vector bundles on a compact Riemann surface

Pages 303-336 by Conjeeveram Srirangachari Seshadri | From volume 85-2

Smooth maps, null-sets for integralgeometric measure and analytic capacity

Pages 303-309 by Pertti Mattila | From volume 123-2

$\mathcal{H}_p$ sections of vector bundles over Riemann surfaces

Pages 304-324 by Harold Widom | From volume 94-2

Differential structures on a product of spheres. II.

Pages 305-313 by Rodolfo De Sapio | From volume 89-2

The decomposition of stable homotopy

Pages 305-320 by Joel M. Cohen | From volume 87-2

A moving lemma for the transcendental Bezout problem

Pages 305-330 by James A. Carlson | From volume 103-2

Patch spaces: A geometric representation for Poincar&eacute spaces

Pages 306-343 by Lowell Jones | From volume 97-2

The topological Schur lemma and related results

Pages 307-321 by Theodore Chang, Tor Skjelbred | From volume 100-2

Asymptotic behaviour of free boundaries at their singular points

Pages 309-317 by Luis A. Caffarelli, Néstor Marcelo Rivière | From volume 106-2

A counterexample to the “hot spots” conjecture

Pages 309-317 by Krzysztof Burdy, Wendelin Werner | From volume 149-1

Real algebraic curves, the moment map and amoebas

Pages 309-326 by Grigory Mikhalkin | From volume 151-1

Non-elliptic Laplace equations on nilpotent Lie groups

Pages 309-385 by Richard C. Penney | From volume 119-2

Vector bundles of rank 2 and linear systems on algebraic surfaces

Pages 309-316 by Igor Reider | From volume 127-2

Curvature and metric

Pages 311-331 by Ravindra Shripad Kulkarni | From volume 91-2

On the distribution of reduced residues

Pages 311-333 by Hugh L. Montgomery, Robert C. Vaughan | From volume 123-2

On torsion-free groups with infinitely many ends

Pages 312-334 by John R. Stallings | From volume 88-2

Admissible convergence of Poisson integrals in symmetric spaces

Pages 313-335 by Peter Sjögren | From volume 124-2

The arithmetic of certain zeta functions and automorphic forms on orthogonal groups

Pages 313-375 by Goro Shimura | From volume 111-2

Doubling properties of second order parabolic equations

Pages 313-327 by Mikhail V. Safonov, Yu Yuan | From volume 150-1

The automorphism group of a polycyclic group

Pages 314-322 by Louis Auslander | From volume 89-2

Formal cohomology. III. Fixed point theorems

Pages 315-343 by Paul Monsky | From volume 93-2

Derivatives of analytic families of Banach spaces

Pages 315-347 by Richard Rochberg, Guido Weiss | From volume 118-2

Actions propres sur les espaces homogènes réductifs (Proper actions on reductive homogeneous spaces)

Pages 315-347 by Yves Benoist | From volume 144-2

The Weyl functional, de Rham cohomology and Kähler-Einstein metrics

Pages 315-337 by Matthew J. Gursky | From volume 148-1

Non-linear similarity

Pages 315-355 by Sylvain E. Cappell, Julius L. Shaneson | From volume 113-2

Rigidity of $p$-adic $p$-torsion

Pages 317-332 by Alfred Weiss | From volume 127-2

Existence and conformal deformation of metrics with prescribed Gaussian and scalar curvatures

Pages 317-331 by Jerry L. Kazdan, Frank W. Warner | From volume 101-2

Collapsing and pinching under a lower curvature bound

Pages 317-357 by Takao Yamaguchi | From volume 133-2

The distribution of Weierstrass points on a compact Riemann surface

Pages 317-328 by Amnon Neeman | From volume 120-2

Endo-permutation modules over $p$-groups. II

Pages 317-346 by Dade | From volume 108-2

Closed characteristics on compact convex hypersurfaces in $\mathbf{R}^{2n}$

Pages 317-368 by Yiming Long, Chaofeng Zhu | From volume 155-2

Rings of invariants of tori, Cohen-Macauley rings generated by monomials, and polytopes

Pages 318-337 by Mel Hochster | From volume 96-2

Local biholomorphic straightening of real submanifolds

Pages 319-352 by Michael Freeman | From volume 106-2

Incomplete Kloosterman sums and a divisor problem. Appendix: On some exponential sums (by Bryan B. Birch and Enrico Bombieri)

Pages 319-344 by John B. Friedlander, Henryk Iwaniec, Bryan B. Birch, Enrico Bombieri | From volume 121-2

Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser universality and Milnor’s Hairiness Conjecture

Pages 319-420 by Mikhail Lyubich | From volume 149-2

On topologically realizing modules over the Steenrod algebra

Pages 321-347 by Nicholas Kuhn | From volume 141-2

On the Cauchy problem for Boltzmann equations: Global existence and weak stability

Pages 321-366 by Ronald J. DiPerna, Pierre-Louis Lions | From volume 130-2

A compact Kähler surface of negative curvature not covered by the ball

Pages 321-360 by George Daniel Mostow, Yum-Tong Siu | From volume 112-2

Existence and regularity almost everywhere of solutions to elliptic variational problems among surfaces of varying topological type and singularity structure

Pages 321-391 by Frederick Justin Almgren, Jr. | From volume 87-2

The Borel formula and the topological splitting principle for torus actions on a Poincaré duality space

Pages 322-325 by Christopher Allday, Tor Skjelbred | From volume 100-2

The Syzygy problem

Pages 323-333 by E. Graham Evans, Phillip Griffith | From volume 114-2

Integrals for Hopf algebras

Pages 323-335 by Moss Eisenberg Sweedler | From volume 89-2

The length spectra as moduli for compact Riemann surfaces

Pages 323-351 by Scott Wolpert | From volume 109-2

On the method of Thue-Siegel

Pages 325-382 by Gregory Volfovich Chudnovsky | From volume 117-2

Singular spaces, characteristic classes, and intersection homology

Pages 325-374 by Sylvain E. Cappell, Julius L. Shaneson | From volume 134-2

Algebraic $\mathbf{K}$-theory of number fields and rings of integers and the Stickelberger ideal

Pages 325-360 by Grzegorz Banaszak | From volume 135-2

On density properties of $S$-subgroups of locally compact groups

Pages 325-329 by Shu Ping Wang | From volume 94-2

Concordance classes of regular $U_n$ and $\mathrm{SP}_n$ action on homotopy spheres

Pages 325-341 by Michael Davis, Wu-Chung Hsiang | From volume 105-2

The Novikov conjecture for groups with finite asymptotic dimension

Pages 325-355 by GuoliangYu | From volume 147-2

Equisingular deformations of normal surface singularities. I

Pages 325-356 by Jonathan M. Wahl | From volume 104-2

The Selberg trace formula for groups of $F$-rank one

Pages 326-385 by James Arthur | From volume 100-2

Additive groups associated with points of a projective space

Pages 327-334 by Heisuke Hironaka | From volume 92-2

Local cohomological dimension of algebraic varieties

Pages 327-365 by Arthur Ogus | From volume 98-2

Foliations with measure preserving holonomy

Pages 327-361 by Joseph F. Plante | From volume 102-2

Composition factors of monodromy groups

Pages 327-345 by Daniel Frohardt, Kay Magaard | From volume 154-2

The moduli space of Riemann surfaces is Kähler hyperbolic

Pages 327-357 by Curtis T. McMullen | From volume 151-1

A counterexample to the Serre problem with a bounded domain of $\mathbf{C}^2$ as fiber

Pages 329-334 by Gérard Cœuré, Jean-Jacques Loeb | From volume 122-2