Author Archives: mak

The dynamics of the Hénon map

Pages 73-169 by Michael Benedicks, Lennart Carleson | From volume 133-1

Homology for zero-dimensional nonwandering sets

Pages 73-92 by Rufus Bowen, John Franks | From volume 106-1

Classification of injective factors. Cases $II_1$, $II_\infty$, $III_\lambda$, $\lambda \ne 1$

Pages 73-115 by Alain Connes | From volume 104-1

Bounded analytic functions and Gleason parts

Pages 74-111 by Kenneth Hoffman | From volume 86-1

Two theorems on semi-simple Lie groups

Pages 74-128 by Harish-Chandra | From volume 83-1

Compact ergodic groups of automorphisms

Pages 75-86 by Raphael J. Høegh-Krohn, Magnus B. Landstad, Erling Størmer | From volume 114-1

Endomorphisms of $C^\ast$-algebras, cross products, and duality for compact groups

Pages 75-119 by Sergio Doplicher, John E. Roberts | From volume 130-1

On complete open manifolds of positive curvature

Pages 75-90 by Detlef Gromoll, Wolfgang Meyer | From volume 90-1

Global smoothings of varieties with normal crossings

Pages 75-114 by Robert Friedman | From volume 118-1

Non-unicité du problème de Cauchy

Pages 77-108 by Par S. Alinhac | From volume 117-1

Classification of irreducible holonomies of torsion-free affine connections

Pages 77-149 by Sergei Merkulov, Lorenz Schwachhöfer | From volume 150-1

Classical groups, probabilistic methods, and the $(2,3)$-generation problem

Pages 77-125 by Martin W. Liebeck, Aner Shalev | From volume 144-1

$p$-adic and real subanalytic sets

Pages 79-138 by Jan Denef, Lou van den Dries | From volume 128-1

Anosov flows in 3-manifolds

Pages 79-115 by Sérgio R. Fenley | From volume 139-1

Uniform endomorphisms which are isomorphic to a Bernoulli shift

Pages 79-101 by Christopher Hoffman, Daniel Rudolph | From volume 156-1

Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets. Part I. Maximal sets

Pages 80-120 by Robert I. Soare | From volume 100-1

Ergodic properties of horocycle flows for surfaces of negative curvature

Pages 81-105 by Brian Marcus | From volume 105-1

Nonvanishing of L-series associated to cubic twists of elliptic curves

Pages 81-108 by Daniel B. Lieman | From volume 140-1

Anti-holomorphic automorphisms of arithmetic automorphic function fields

Pages 81-102 by Kuang-yen Shih | From volume 103-1

Connecting invariant manifolds and the solution of the $C^1$ stability and $\Omega$-stability conjectures for flows

Pages 81-137 by Shuhei Hayashi | From volume 145-1

$PL$ characteristic classes and cobordism

Pages 82-159 by Gregory Brumfiel, Ib Madsen, R. James Milgram | From volume 97-1

Removable sets for pointwise solutions of the generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations

Pages 82-101 by Victor L. Shapiro | From volume 92-1

Shrinking cell-like decompositions of manifolds. Codimension three

Pages 83-112 by James W. Cannon | From volume 110-1

Pointwise periodic homeomorphisms of continua

Pages 83-85 by Norris Weaver | From volume 95-1

Unsmoothable diffeomorphisms

Pages 85-94 by Jenny Harrison | From volume 102-1

Vector fields on $\pi$-manifolds

Pages 85-90 by Glen E. Bredon, Antoni A. Kosinski | From volume 84-1

Fundamental groups of 3-manifolds which are extensions

Pages 86-93 by John Hempel, William Jaco | From volume 95-1

On complex structures with a fixed induced CR structure

Pages 87-119 by Garo K. Kiremidjian | From volume 109-1

Abelian varieties with complex multiplication and representations of the Weil groups

Pages 87-102 by Hiroyuki Yoshida | From volume 114-1

Diophantine equations, Hilbert series, and undecidable spaces

Pages 87-112 by David J. Anick | From volume 122-1

Holomorphic slices, symplectic reduction and multiplicities of representations

Pages 87-129 by Reyer Sjamaar | From volume 141-1

Valuative criteria for families of vector bundles on algebraic varieties

Pages 88-110 by Stacy G. Langton | From volume 101-1

Algebraization of formal moduli. II. Existence of modifications

Pages 88-135 by Michael Artin | From volume 91-1

On the Schur indices of characters of the exceptional Weyl groups

Pages 89-107 by Mark Benard | From volume 94-1

On Fraïsse’s order type conjecture

Pages 89-111 by Richard Laver | From volume 93-1

Radical, hauteurs, $p$-sections et blocs

Pages 89-107 by Michel Broué | From volume 107-1

Stability of $C^\infty$ mappings. I. The division theorem

Pages 89-104 by John N. Mather | From volume 87-1

Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues. II. Tunnelling

Pages 89-118 by Barry Simon | From volume 120-1

Cobordism theories

Pages 91-101 by William Browder, Arunas Liulevicius, Franklin P. Peterson | From volume 84-1

The Schur index of proective characters of symmetric and alternating groups

Pages 91-124 by Alexandre Turull | From volume 135-1

On principal $S^3$-bundles over spheres

Pages 91-107 by Peter Hilton, Joseph Roitberg | From volume 90-1

Kähler differentials and differential algebra

Pages 92-98 by Joseph Johnson | From volume 89-1

Hyponormal operators with thick spectra have invariant subspaces

Pages 93-103 by Scott W. Brown | From volume 125-1

Upper bounds and asymptotics in a quantitative version of the Oppenheim conjecture

Pages 93-141 by Alex Eskin, Gregory Margulis, Shahar Mozes | From volume 147-1

The symplectic Thom conjecture

Pages 93-124 by Peter Oszváth, Zoltán Szabó | From volume 151-1

Weak type estimates for singular values and the number of bound states of Schrödinger operators

Pages 93-100 by Michael Cwikel | From volume 106-1

The simplest Lie $p$-algebras of rank two

Pages 93-168 by Richard E. Block, Robert Lee Wilson | From volume 115-1

Crepant blowing-up of 3-dimensional canonical singularities and its application to degenerations of surfaces

Pages 93-163 by Yujiro Kawamata | From volume 127-1

Elementary contractions of algebraic 3-folds

Pages 95-110 by Yujiro Kawamata | From volume 119-1

A geometric proof of the strong maximal theorem

Pages 95-100 by Antonio Córdoba, Robert Fefferman | From volume 102-1

An order type decomposition theorem

Pages 96-119 by Richard Laver | From volume 98-1

Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences

Pages 97-113 by Andreas Ćap, Jan Slovák, Vladimír Souček | From volume 154-1

Wild Cantor attractors exist

Pages 97-130 by Hendrik Bruin, Gerhard Keller, Tomasz Nowicki, Sebastian van Strien | From volume 143-1

Blowup of small data solutions for a quasilinear wave equation in two space dimensions

Pages 97-127 by Serge Alinhac | From volume 149-1

The dichotomy problem for homogeneous Banach algebras

Pages 97-105 by Misha Zafran | From volume 108-1

Structure in real Banach spaces. Part I

Pages 98-128 by Erik M. Alfsen, Edward G. Effros | From volume 96-1

On $K_2$ and some classical conjectures in algebraic number theory

Pages 99-116 by John Coates | From volume 95-1

Local representation of Galois groups

Pages 99-124 by Goro Shimura | From volume 89-1

Higher simple homotopy theory

Pages 101-137 by Allen E. Hatcher | From volume 102-1

The homeomorphism group of a compact Hilbert cube manifold is an ANR

Pages 101-119 by Steve Ferry | From volume 106-1

On sheaf cohomology and envelopes of holomorphy

Pages 102-118 by Henry B. Laufer | From volume 84-1

Groups of diffeomorphisms and the motion of an imcompressible fluid

Pages 102-163 by David G. Ebin, Jerrold Marsden | From volume 92-1

Biholomorphic mappings and the $\overline\partial$-problem

Pages 103-113 by Steven R. Bell | From volume 114-1

Rational maps are $d$-adic Bernoulli

Pages 103-114 by Deborah Heicklen, Christopher Hoffman | From volume 156-1

Representations of reductive groups over finite fields

Pages 103-161 by Pierre Deligne, George Lusztig | From volume 103-1

Uniqueness theorems of Hermitian metrics of seminegative curvature on quotients of bounded symmetric domains

Pages 105-152 by Ngaiming Mok | From volume 125-1

Rational functions with real critical points and the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in real enumerative geometry

Pages 105-129 by Alexandre Eremenko, Andrei Gabrielov | From volume 155-1

A $p$-adic proof of Weil’s conjectures

Pages 105-194 by Saul Lubkin | From volume 87-1

Fatou’s theorem for symmetric spaces. I

Pages 106-127 by Anthony W. Knapp | From volume 88-1

Analytic functions sharing level curves and tracts

Pages 107-144 by Kenneth Stephenson | From volume 123-1

Sur la classification des idéaux primitifs dans l’algèbre enveloppante d’une algèbre de Lie semi-simple

Pages 107-120 by Michel Duflo | From volume 105-1

On the Stickelberger ideal and the circular units of a cyclotomic field

Pages 107-134 by Warren Sinnott | From volume 108-1

Free metacyclic group actions on homotopy spheres

Pages 108-124 by Ted Petrie | From volume 94-1

Extending coherent analytic sheaves

Pages 108-143 by Yum-Tong Siu | From volume 90-1

Varieties of group representations and splittings of 3-manifolds

Pages 109-146 by Marc Culler, Peter B. Shalen | From volume 117-1

Open manifolds foliated by planes

Pages 109-131 by Carlos Frederico Borges Palmeira | From volume 107-1

Intersection theory on moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles of arbitrary rank on a Riemann surface

Pages 109-196 by Lisa C. Jeffrey, Frances C. Kirwan | From volume 148-1

Probabilistic Diophantine approximation. I. Kronecker sequences

Pages 109-160 by József Beck | From volume 140-1

Harmonic analysis on product spaces

Pages 109-130 by Robert Fefferman | From volume 126-1

The $P(\phi)_2$ Eulidean quantum field theory as classical statistical mechanics. Part I

Pages 111-189 by Francesco Guerra, Lon Rosen, Barry Simon | From volume 101-1

A rigid analytic Gross-Zagier formula and arithmetic applications (with an Appendix by Bas Edixhoven)

Pages 111-147 by Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon | From volume 146-1

Torsion points on curves and $p$-adic Abelian integrals

Pages 111-168 by Robert F. Coleman | From volume 121-1

Arithmetic properties of power series solutions of algebraic differential equations

Pages 111-157 by Yasutaka Sibuya, Steven Sperber | From volume 113-1

Continuous equivariant images of lattice-actions on boundaries

Pages 111-119 by Shrikrishna Gopalrao Dani | From volume 119-1

On a problem of Philip Hall

Pages 112-116 by Louis Auslander | From volume 86-1

Positivity and the convolution structure for Jacobi series

Pages 112-118 by George Gasper | From volume 93-1

Deformation of maps to branched coverings in dimension two

Pages 113-125 by Allan L. Edmonds | From volume 110-1

$K$-Theory of quadric hypersurfaces

Pages 113-153 by Richard G. Swan | From volume 122-1

Estimates for the Bergman and Szegö kernels in $\mathbf{C}^2$

Pages 113-149 by Alexander Nagel, Jean-Pierre Rosay, Elias M. Stein, Stephen Wainger | From volume 129-1

Rigidity, unitary representations of semisimple groups, and fundamental groups of manifolds with rank one transformation group

Pages 113-182 by Yehuda Shalom | From volume 152-1

The Frobenius morphism on the cohomology of homogeneous vector bundles on $G/B$

Pages 113-121 by Henning Haahr Andersen | From volume 112-1

Regular tessellations of surfaces and $(p,q,2)$-triangle groups

Pages 113-132 by Allan L. Edmonds, John H. Ewing, Ravindra Shripad Kulkarni | From volume 116-1

The classification of alternating links

Pages 113-171 by William Menasco, Morwen Thistlethwaite | From volume 138-1

Deforming Galois representations and the conjectures of Serre and Fontaine-Mazur

Pages 115-154 by Ravi Ramakrishna | From volume 156-1

A counterexample to the isomorphism problem for integral group rings

Pages 115-138 by Martin Hertweck | From volume 154-1

Weak type $L^1$ estimates for maximal functions on non-compact symmetric spaces

Pages 115-126 by Jan-Olov Strömberg | From volume 114-1

Group presentation, $p$-adic analytic groups and lattices in $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbf{C})$

Pages 115-130 by Alexander Lubotzky | From volume 118-1

An application of von Neumann algebras to finite difference equations

Pages 117-129 by David G. Schaeffer | From volume 95-1

On a theorem of Bochner

Pages 117-137 by William A. Veech | From volume 86-1

A fake $S^3\times R$

Pages 117-201 by Michael Hartley Freedman | From volume 110-2