Articles with article keyword: elliptic curves
Disparity in Selmer ranks of quadratic twists of elliptic curves
Pages 287-320 by
From volume 178-1
Nonabelian level structures, Nielsen equivalence, and Markoff triples
Pages 301-443 by
From volume 199-1
Serre’s uniformity problem in the split Cartan case
Pages 569-584 by
From volume 173-1
p-adic L-functions and Selmer varieties associated to elliptic curves with complex multiplication
Pages 751-759 by
From volume 172-1
Erratum to “Disparity in Selmer ranks of quadratic twists of elliptic curves”
Pages 879-880 by
From volume 198-2
Uniform Manin-Mumford for a family of genus 2 curves
Pages 949-1001 by
From volume 191-3
Cubic curves and totally geodesic subvarieties of moduli space
Pages 957-990 by
From volume 185-3