Articles with article keyword: Shimura varieties
Faltings heights of abelian varieties with complex multiplication
Pages 391-531 by
From volume 187-2
On the generic part of the cohomology of non-compact unitary Shimura varieties
Pages 483-590 by
From volume 199-2
On the generic part of the cohomology of compact unitary Shimura varieties
Pages 649-766 by
From volume 186-3
Ax-Lindemann for $\mathcal{A}_g$
Pages 659-681 by
From volume 179-2
Galois orbits and equidistribution of special subvarieties: towards the André-Oort conjecture
Pages 823-865 by
From volume 180-3
The André-Oort conjecture
Pages 867-925 by
From volume 180-3
On torsion in the cohomology of locally symmetric varieties
Pages 945-1066 by
From volume 182-3
Galois representations arising from some compact Shimura varieties
Pages 1645-1741 by
From volume 173-3