Author Archives: mak

Affine open subsets of algebraic varieties and ample divisors

Pages 160-183 by Jacob Eli Goodman | From volume 89-1

Lie algebras of Galois groups arising from Hodge-Tate modules

Pages 160-170 by Shankar Sen | From volume 97-1

Solving diophantine problems modulo every prime

Pages 161-183 by James Ax | From volume 85-2

Coefficient of Maass forms and the Siegel zero (with an Appendix by Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, and Daniel Lieman)

Pages 161-181 by Jeffrey Hoffstein, Paul Lockhart | From volume 140-1

The nonexistence of certain level structures on abelian varieties over complex function fields

Pages 161-178 by Alan Michael Nadel | From volume 129-1

Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties of complex multiplication type

Pages 161-180 by Henry Pohlmann | From volume 88-2

Piecewise linear embeddings and their singularities

Pages 163-228 by Sylvain E. Cappell, Julius L. Shaneson | From volume 103-2

Characteristic classes for algebraic vector bundles with hermitian metric. I

Pages 163-203 by Henri Gillet, Christophe Soulé | From volume 131-1

Splitting theorems and the structure of solvmanifolds

Pages 164-173 by Louis Auslander, Richard Tolimieri | From volume 92-1

A defect relation for quasimeromorphic mapings

Pages 165-191 by Seppo Rickman | From volume 114-1

Rectifiability of flat chains

Pages 165-184 by Brian White | From volume 150-1

Long time estimates for the heat kernel associated with a uniformly subelliptic symmetric second order operator

Pages 165-189 by Shigeo Kusuoka, Daniel Stroock | From volume 127-1

Archimedean superrigidity and hyperbolic geometry

Pages 165-182 by Kevin Corlette | From volume 135-1

A Hartogs type extension theorem for coherent analytic sheaves

Pages 166-188 by Yum-Tong Siu | From volume 93-1

Positivité et discrétion des points algébriques des courbes

Pages 167-179 by Emmanuel Ullmo | From volume 147-1

Uniqueness and regularity of proper harmonic maps

Pages 167-201 by Peter Li, Luen-Fai Tam | From volume 137-1

A lower bound for the permanent of a double stochastic matrix

Pages 167-176 by Shmuel Friedland | From volume 110-1

Divergence of decreasing rearranged Fourier series

Pages 167-180 by Thomas William Körner | From volume 144-1

Interval exchange transformations and measured foliations

Pages 169-200 by Howard Masur | From volume 115-1

Automorphic forms on GL(3). I*

Pages 169-212 by Hervé Jacquet, Ilya Iosifovitch Piatetski-Shapiro, Joseph Shalika | From volume 109-1

Riemannian coverings and isospectral manifolds

Pages 169-186 by Toshikazu Sunada | From volume 121-1

The multiplicity one theorem for $GL_n$

Pages 171-193 by Joseph Andrew Shalika | From volume 100-2

Parabolic equations for curves on surfaces: Part II. Intersections, blow-up and generalized solutons

Pages 171-215 by Sigurd Angenent | From volume 133-1

Structure of manifolds of nonpositive curvature. I

Pages 171-203 by Werner Ballmann, Michael Brin, Patrick Eberlein | From volume 122-1

Higher direct images of dualizing sheaves. II

Pages 171-202 by János Kollár | From volume 124-1

Positive harmonic functions on complete manifolds with non-negative curvature outside a compact set

Pages 171-207 by Peter Li, Luen-Fai Tam | From volume 125-1

Extremal metrics of zeta function determinants on $4$-manifolds

Pages 171-212 by Sun-Yung Alice Chang, Paul C. Yang | From volume 142-1

Adèles et séries trigonométriques spéciales

Pages 171-186 by Yves Meyer | From volume 97-1

Transversality for polyhedra

Pages 172-191 by Mark Anthony Armstrong | From volume 86-1

Harmonic tori in symmetric spaces and commuting Hamiltonian systems on loop algebras

Pages 173-212 by Francis E. Burstall, Dirk Ferus, Franz Pedit, Ulrich Pinkall | From volume 138-1

On distinguishing prime numbers from composite numbers

Pages 173-206 by Leonard M. Adleman, Carl Pomerance, Robert S. Rumely | From volume 117-1

On the structure of Brauer’s centralizer algebras

Pages 173-193 by Hans Wenzl | From volume 128-1

On automorphic forms on $GL_2$ and Hecke operators

Pages 174-189 by Toshitsune Miyake | From volume 94-1

The Atiyah-Singer invariant, the Wall groups $L_n(\pi,1)$, and the function $(te^x+1)/(te^x-1)$

Pages 174-187 by Ted Petrie | From volume 92-1

A transcendence theorem for class-number problems. II

Pages 174-209 by Harold Mead Stark | From volume 96-1

Open sets with Stein hypersurface sections on Stein spaces

Pages 175-182 by Mihnea Coltoiu, Klas Diederich | From volume 145-1

On the cohomology of lattices in solvable Lie groups

Pages 175-196 by Howard Garland | From volume 84-2

Fourier coefficients of certain Eisenstein series

Pages 176-202 by Martin L. Karel | From volume 99-1

Zeta functions in several variables associated with prehomogeneous vector spaces III. Eisenstein series for indefinite quadratic forms

Pages 177-212 by Fumihiro Sato | From volume 116-1

On the geometry of a theorem of Riemann

Pages 178-185 by George Kempf | From volume 98-1

Existence of least-area mappings of $N$-dimensional domains

Pages 179-185 by Brian White | From volume 118-1

On the zeros of the derivatives of real entire functions and Wiman’s conjecture

Pages 179-193 by Terence Sheil-Small | From volume 129-1

A continuous version of duality of $H^1$ with BMO on the bidisc

Pages 179-201 by Sun-Yung A. Chang, Robert Fefferman | From volume 112-1

Matching rules and substitution tilings

Pages 181-223 by Chaim Goodman-Strauss | From volume 147-1

$K$-theory for certain $C^\ast$-algebras

Pages 181-197 by Joachim Cuntz | From volume 113-1

An estimate for the Bergman distance on pseudoconvex domains

Pages 181-190 by Klas Diederich, Takeo Ohsawa | From volume 141-1

Spectra of non-selfadjoint Hill’s operators and a class of Riemann surfaces

Pages 181-231 by Vadim Tkachenko | From volume 143-2

Transcendence of gamma values for $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$

Pages 181-188 by Dinesh S. Thakur | From volume 144-1

Formal cohomology. I

Pages 181-217 by Paul Monsky, Gerard Washnitzer | From volume 88-2

Homotopy classification of self-maps of $BG$ via $G$-actions. Part I

Pages 183-226 by Stefan Jackowski, James McClure, Bob Oliver | From volume 135-1

Newton polygons and formal groups: Conjectures by Manin and Grothendieck

Pages 183-206 by Frans Oort | From volume 152-1

A compactification of configuration spaces

Pages 183-225 by William Fulton, Robert MacPherson | From volume 139-1

The elementary theory of restricted analytic fields with exponentiation

Pages 183-205 by Lou van den Dries, Angus Macintyre, David Marker | From volume 140-1

Central extensions of word hyperbolic groups

Pages 183-192 by Walter D. Neumann, Lawrence Reeves | From volume 145-1

Corrections for: “Patch spaces”

Pages 183-185 by Lowell Edwin Jones | From volume 102-1

The instability of naked singularities in the gravitational collapse of a scalar field

Pages 183-217 by Demetrios Christodoulou | From volume 149-1

Postnikov invariants and higher order cohomology operations

Pages 184-217 by Emery Thomas | From volume 85-2

On modular forms with associated Dirichlet series

Pages 184-186 by Andrew P. Ogg | From volume 89-1

Semiclassical asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, Riemann-Hilbert problem, and universality in the matrix model

Pages 185-266 by Pavel Bleher, Alexander Its | From volume 150-1

Erratum to “Foliations of odd-dimensional spheres”

Pages 187-187 by Alan H. Durfee | From volume 97-1

Interaction of nonlinear progressing waves for semilinear wave equations

Pages 187-213 by Richard Melrose, Niles Ritter | From volume 121-1

Smooth structures on $S^p \times S^q$

Pages 187-198 by Reinhard E. Schultz | From volume 90-1

Local rigidity theorems for minimal hypersurfaces

Pages 187-197 by H. Blaine Lawson, Jr. | From volume 89-1

Self-spreading and strength of singularities for solutions to semilinear wave equations

Pages 187-214 by Michael Beals | From volume 118-1

Surgery on compact manifolds. The bounded even dimensional case

Pages 187-209 by Richard W. Sharpe | From volume 98-2

Local invariants of an embedded Riemannian manifold

Pages 187-203 by Peter B. Gilkey | From volume 102-2

Discrete analogues in harmonic analysis: Spherical averages

Pages 189-208 by Akos Magyar, Elias M. Stein, Stefan Wainger | From volume 155-1

A zero-one law for a class of random walks and a converse to Gauss’ mean value theorem

Pages 189-216 by William A. Veech | From volume 97-2

Analytic isometric embeddings

Pages 189-204 by Robert E. Greene, Howard Jacobowitz | From volume 93-1

Differentiable actions of compact connected classical groups. II

Pages 189-223 by Wu-Chung Hsiang, Wu-Yi Hsiang | From volume 92-2

Equivariant stable homotopy and Segal’s Burnside ring conjecture

Pages 189-224 by Gunnar Carlsson | From volume 120-2

Divergence-free fields: energy and asymptotic crossing number

Pages 189-229 by Michael H. Freedman, Zheng-Xu He | From volume 134-1

Interior a priori estimates for solutions of fully non-linear equations

Pages 189-213 by Luis A. Caffarelli | From volume 130-1

Lower bounds on Ricci curvature and the almost rigidity of warped products

Pages 189-237 by Jeff Cheeger, Tobias H. Colding | From volume 144-1

On a fundamental inequality in number theory

Pages 190-199 by Alan Baker, Harold Mead Stark | From volume 94-1

Smith theory revisited

Pages 191-198 by William G. Dwyer, Clarence C. Wilkerson | From volume 127-1

Double affine Hecke algebras and Macdonald’s conjectures

Pages 191-216 by Ivan Cherednik | From volume 141-1

Implicit function theorems and isometric embeddings

Pages 191-225 by Howard Jacobowitz | From volume 95-2

The $P(\phi)_2$ Euclidean quantum field theory as classical statistical mechanics. Part II

Pages 191-259 by Francesco Guerra, Lon Rosen, Barry Simon | From volume 101-2

Period functions for Maass wave forms. I

Pages 191-258 by John Lewis, Don Zagier | From volume 153-1

Conjugate loci of constant order

Pages 192-212 by Frank W. Warner | From volume 86-1

An ordinal $L^p$-index for Banach spaces, with application to complemented subspaces of $L^p$

Pages 193-228 by Jean Bourgain, Haskell Paul Rosenthal, Gideon Schechtman | From volume 114-2

Semisimplicity of the group of biholomorphisms of the universal covering of a compact complex manifold with ample canonical bundle

Pages 193-211 by Alan Michael Nadel | From volume 132-2

Gauge theory and calibrated geometry, I

Pages 193-268 by Gang Tian | From volume 151-1

Non-Jacobians in the Schottky loci

Pages 193-217 by Ron Donagi | From volume 126-2

Quotients by groupoids

Pages 193-213 by Seán Keel | From volume 145-1

Surgery with coefficients

Pages 194-248 by R. James Milgram | From volume 100-2

Embedding compact three-dimensional CR manifolds of finite type in $\mathbf{C}^n$

Pages 195-213 by Michael Christ | From volume 129-1

A $p$-adic proof of Weil’s conjectures

Pages 195-255 by Saul Lubkin | From volume 87-1

Bounding homotopy types by geometry

Pages 195-206 by Karsten Grove, Peter Petersen, V | From volume 128-2

The dynamics on three-dimensional strictly convex energy surfaces

Pages 197-289 by Helmut Hofer, Krzysztof Wysocki, Eduard Zehnder | From volume 148-1

The extremal function associated to intrinsic norms

Pages 197-211 by Pengfei Guan | From volume 156-1

Carleson measures and the Fefferman-Stein decomposition of BMO$(\mathbb{R})$

Pages 197-208 by Peter W. Jones | From volume 111-2

On the homotopy groups of an affine algebraic hypersurface

Pages 197-216 by Alan Howard | From volume 84-2

On $p$-adic $L$-functions

Pages 198-205 by Kenkichi Iwasawa | From volume 89-1

The second homotopy group of spun 2-spheres in 4-space

Pages 199-204 by James J. Andrews, Samuel J. Lomonaco | From volume 90-2

On Novikov’s conjecture for non-positively curved manifolds. I

Pages 199-209 by F. Thomas Farrell, Wu Chung Hsiang | From volume 113-1

Minimal two-spheres and the topology of manifolds with positive curvature on totally isotropic two-planes

Pages 199-227 by Mario J. Micallef, John Douglas Moore | From volume 127-1

Iterated Cohen extensions and Souslin’s problems

Pages 201-245 by Robert M. Solovay, Stanley Tennenbaum | From volume 94-2

The functors $K_{-i}$ and pseudo-isotopies of polyhedra

Pages 201-223 by Douglas R. Anderson, Wu-Chung Hsiang | From volume 105-2