Articles with primary mathematical subject classification: 11F67
A reciprocity map and the two-variable p-adic L-function
Pages 251-300 by
From volume 173-1
Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of L-functions (II)
Pages 393-526 by
From volume 189-2
Isolation of cuspidal spectrum, with application to the Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture
Pages 519-584 by
From volume 194-2
Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of L-functions
Pages 767-911 by
From volume 186-3
Weil representation and Arithmetic Fundamental Lemma
Pages 863-978 by
From volume 193-3
On the nonnegativity of L(12,π) for SO2n+1
Pages 891-917 by
From volume 157-3
Subconvexity bounds for triple L-functions and representation theory
Pages 1679-1718 by
From volume 172-3
Heegner divisors, L-functions and harmonic weak Maass forms
Pages 2135-2181 by
From volume 172-3