Articles with primary mathematical subject classification: 57M25
Universal bounds for hyperbolic Dehn surgery
Pages 367-421 by
From volume 162-1
Knot concordance, Whitney towers and $L^2$-signatures
Pages 433-519 by
From volume 157-2
Monopoles and lens space surgeries
Pages 457-546 by
From volume 165-2
A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves
Pages 491-564 by
From volume 182-2
A combinatorial description of knot Floer homology
Pages 633-660 by
From volume 169-2
Tightness is preserved by Legendrian surgery
Pages 723-738 by
From volume 182-2
Knot Floer homology obstructs ribbon concordance
Pages 931-947 by
From volume 190-3
Complexity classes as mathematical axioms
Pages 995-1002 by
From volume 170-2
Cabling and transverse simplicity
Pages 1305-1333 by
From volume 162-3