Given ergodic p-invariant measures {μi} on the 1-torus T=R/Z, we give a sharp condition on their entropies, guaranteeing that the entropy of the convolution μ1∗⋯∗μn converges to logp. We also prove a variant of this result for joinings of full entropy on TN. In conjunction with a method of Host, this yields the following. Denote σ1(x)=qx (mod 1). Then for every p-invariant ergodic μ with positive entropy, 1NΣN−1n=0σcnμ converges weak∗ to Lebesgue measure as N→∞, under a certain mild combinatorial condition on {ck}. (For instance, the condition is satisfied if p=10 and ck=2k+6k or ck=22k.) This extends a result of Johnson and Rudolph, who considered the sequence ck=qk when p and q are multiplicatively independent.
We also obtain the following corollary concerning Hausdorff dimension of sum sets: For any sequence {Si} of p-invariant closed subsets of T, if ΣdimH(Si)/|logdimH(Si)|=∞, then dimH(S1+⋯+Sn)→1.