A conjecture of Erdős, supersingular primes and short character sums


If $k$ is a sufficiently large positive integer, we show that the Diophantine equation $$ n ( n+d) \cdots (n+ (k-1)d ) = y^{\ell } $$ has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers $n, d, y$ and $\ell $, with gcd$(n,d)=1$ and $\ell \geq 2$. Our proof relies upon Frey-Hellegouarch curves and results on supersingular primes for elliptic curves without complex multiplication, derived from upper bounds for short character sums and sieves, analytic and combinatorial.


Michael A. Bennett

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Samir Siksek

Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom