print("Starting nonsingular computation.") quadcols = { "SW" : "yellow", "SE" : "orange", "NE" : "purple" , "NW" : "cyan" } def procQuadrant(qu, nscutoff, alst): col = quadcols[qu] print("Starting quadrant "+qu+".") Q2 = Qlst[qu]; minxexp = minxexps[qu] G1 = G1lst[qu] G1low = trunc(G1.subs(A1y=trunc(A1yS,y,1),A2y=trunc(A2yS,y,1),A3y=trunc(A3yS,y,1),A4y=trunc(A4yS,y,1),Lpy=trunc(LpyS,y,1)),y,1) G1main = G1 - G1low tbG1main = termbound(G1main) erbG1main = varerrorbound(1/2,1/2,minxexp,minxexp,nscutoff,10) G1maint = plugin(G1main,nscutoff,nscutoff) G1maind = G1maint/(x^minxexp*y^minyexp) assert G1maind.denominator() == 1 erG1main = condense(tbG1main, erbG1main) # G1low = G1dlow*x^minxexp where G1dlow has the same termbound as G1low tbG1low = termbound(G1low) G1lowt = plugin(G1low,nscutoff,1) # only need degree 1 in y erbG1low = R((-1,1))*(1/2)^(nscutoff-minxexp-2-1) # need to multiply by x^2 G1lowd = G1lowt/(x^minxexp) assert G1lowd.denominator() == 1 erG1low = condense(tbG1low, erbG1low) # so G1low/x^minxexp = G1lowd + erG1low*x^2 # so now we have (G0low + G02*y^2 + erG0*y^4)*(G1low + G1maind*y^2*x^minxexp + erG1main*y^2*x^minxexp) - G0low*G1low # = y^2*x^minxexp*(G0low + G02*y^2 + erG0*y^4)*(G1maind + erG1main) + G1low*y^2*(G02 + erG0*y^2) # = y^2*x^minxexp*(G0low + G02*y^2 + erG0*y^4)*(G1maind + erG1main) + y^2*x^minxexp*(G1lowd + erG1low*x^2)*(G02 + erG0*y^2) Grem = (num(G0low + G02*y^2) + erG0*yR^4)*(num(G1maind) + erG1main ) + (num(G02) + erG0*yR^2)*( num(G1lowd) + erG1low*xR^2 ) assert < 2 Q2modify = Q2 + (G0low*G1low) Q3 = plugin(Q2modify,nscutoff,nscutoff) timesofar() tb2 = termbound(Q2modify) tb2main, tb2extra = split(tb2) for xexp in range(minxexp): assert Q3.coefficient({x:xexp}) == 0 for yexp in range(minyexp): assert Q3.coefficient({y:yexp}) == 0 Q3 = Q3/(x^minxexp*y^minyexp) assert Q3 == numerator(Q3) Q3 = numerator(Q3) QR3 = Q3.subs(x=xR,y=yR,Lx=LxR,Ly=LyR,piv=Pi,l2=L2) + Grem Q3extra = Q3.coefficient({Ly:2})/y^2 assert denominator(Q3extra) == 1 Q3extra = numerator(Q3extra) Q3main = Q3 - Q3extra*Ly^2*y^2 QR3main = Q3main.subs(x=xR,y=yR,Lx=LxR,Ly=LyR,piv=Pi,l2=L2) + Grem QR3extra = Q3extra.subs(x=xR,y=yR,Lx=LxR,Ly=LyR,piv=Pi,l2=L2) QR3 = QR3main + QR3extra*LyR^2*yR^2 def procregion(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,xctr,yctr,nscutoff2x,nscutoff2y,sg,interv): er1 = varerrorbound(R(xmax),R(ymax),minxexp,minyexp,nscutoff,10) er1extra = varerrorbound(R(xmax),R(ymax),minxexp,max(minyexp-2,0),nscutoff-2,10-2) QR4 = subsHxy(QR3+condense(tb2,er1),xctr+uR,yctr+vR) err2 = varerrorbounduv(QR4,R(max(xmax-xctr,xctr-xmin)),R(max(ymax-yctr,yctr-ymin)),nscutoff2x,nscutoff2y,10) if (interv == True): QR4main = subsHxy(QR3main+condense(tb2main,er1),xctr+uR,yctr+vR) QR4extra = subsHxy(QR3extra+condense(tb2extra,er1extra),xctr+uR,yctr+vR) err2main = varerrorbounduv(QR4main,R(max(xmax-xctr,xctr-xmin)),R(max(ymax-yctr,yctr-ymin)),nscutoff2x,nscutoff2y,10) err2extra = varerrorbounduv(QR4extra,R(max(xmax-xctr,xctr-xmin)),R(max(ymax-yctr,yctr-ymin)),nscutoff2x,nscutoff2y-2,10-2) QR5main = clean(sg*QR4main,uR,vR,nscutoff2x,nscutoff2y) + err2main QR5extra = clean(sg*QR4extra,uR,vR,nscutoff2x,nscutoff2y-2) + err2extra def Q6(x,y): return ( evalRdiruv(QR5main,x,y,xctr,yctr,0,(R(x).lower()