@*Complex numbers. This section implements complex numbers. We need two kinds: |XComplex|, for complex numbers which are represented exactly, and |AComplex|, which is an interval that contains the number we wish to represent. Most of the operations here act on |XComplex| and produce |AComplex|. @ An |XComplex| $x$ represents the complex number $\reps{|x|} = \reps{|x.re|} + i \reps{|x.im|}$. @<Definition of |XComplex|@>= struct XComplex { double re; double im; XComplex(double r=0, double i=0) :re(r), im(i) {} }; @ An |AComplex| $x$ represents the set of complex numbers $\reps{|x|} = \{y : \abs{y-x.z} \le x.e\}$. @<Definition of |AComplex|@>= struct AComplex { XComplex z; double e; AComplex(double r, double i, double err) :z(r,i), e(err) {} }; @ \proposition{-X} If |x| is |XComplex|, then $\reps{|-x|} = -\reps{|x|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |-x| for |XComplex x|@>= return XComplex(-x.re, -x.im); @ \proposition{X+d} If |x| is |XComplex| and |y| is |double|, then $\reps{|x+y|} \supset \reps{|x|} + \reps{|y|}$. @<Definition of |x+y| for |XComplex x| and |double y|@>= double re = x.re + y; double e = HALFEPS*fabs(re); return AComplex(re, x.im, e); @ \proposition{X-d} If |x| is |XComplex| and |y| is |double|, then $\reps{|x-y|} \supset \reps{|x|} - \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x-y| for |XComplex x| and |double y|@>= double re = x.re - y; double e = HALFEPS*fabs(re); return AComplex(re, x.im, e); @ \proposition{X+X} If |x| and |y| are |XComplex|, then $\reps{|x+y|} \supset \reps{|x|} + \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x+y| for |XComplex x,y|@>= double re = x.re + y.re; double im = x.im + y.im; double e = HALFEPS*((1+EPS)*(fabs(re)+fabs(im))); return AComplex(re, im, e ); @ \proposition{X-X} If |x| and |y| are |XComplex|, then $\reps{|x-y|} \supset \reps{|x|} - \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x-y| for |XComplex x,y|@>= double re = x.re - y.re; double im = x.im - y.im; double e = HALFEPS*((1+EPS)*(fabs(re)+fabs(im))); return AComplex(re, im, e ); @ \proposition{A+A} If |x| and |y| are |AComplex|, then $\reps{|x+y|} \supset \reps{|x|} + \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x+y| for |AComplex x,y|@>= double re = x.z.re + y.z.re; double im = x.z.im + y.z.im; double e = (1+2*EPS)*(HALFEPS*(fabs(re)+fabs(im)) + (x.e + y.e)); return AComplex(re,im,e); @ \proposition{A-A} If |x| and |y| are |AComplex|, then $\reps{|x-y|} \supset \reps{|x|} - \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x-y| for |AComplex x,y|@>= double re = x.z.re - y.z.re; double im = x.z.im - y.z.im; double e = (1+2*EPS)*(HALFEPS*(fabs(re)+fabs(im)) + (x.e + y.e)); return AComplex(re,im,e); @ \proposition{X*d} If |x| is |XComplex| and |y| is |double|, then $\reps{|x*y|} \supset \reps{|x|} \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x*y| for |XComplex x| and |double y|@>= double re = x.re*y; double im = x.im*y; return AComplex(re, im, HALFEPS*((1+EPS)*(fabs(re)+fabs(im))) ); @ \proposition{X/d} If |x| is |XComplex| and |y| is |double|, then $\reps{|x/y|} \supset \reps{|x|} / \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x/y| for |XComplex x| and |double y|@>= double re = x.re/y; double im = x.im/y; return AComplex(re, im, HALFEPS*((1+EPS)*(fabs(re)+fabs(im))) ); @ \proposition{X*X} If |x| and |y| are |XComplex|, then $\reps{|x*y|} \supset \reps{|x|} \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x*y| for |XComplex x,y|@>= double re1 = x.re * y.re, re2 = x.im * y.im; double im1 = x.re * y.im, im2 = x.im * y.re; double e = EPS*((1+2*EPS)*((fabs(re1)+fabs(re2))+(fabs(im1)+fabs(im2)))); return AComplex(re1-re2, im1+im2, e); @ \proposition{d/X} If |x| is |double| and |y| is |XComplex|, then $\reps{|x/y|} \supset \reps{|x|} / \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x/y| for |double x| and |XComplex y|@>= double nrm = y.re * y.re + y.im * y.im; double re = (x * y.re) / nrm; double im = -(x * y.im) / nrm; double e = (2*EPS)*((1+2*EPS)*(fabs(re)+fabs(im))); return AComplex(re, im, e); @ \proposition{X/X} If |x| and |y| are |XComplex|, then $\reps{|x/y|} \supset \reps{|x|} / \reps{|y|}$. \endproposition @<Definition of |x/y| for |XComplex x,y|@>= double nrm = y.re * y.re + y.im * y.im; double xryr = x.re*y.re; double xiyi = x.im*y.im; double xiyr = x.im*y.re; double xryi = x.re*y.im; double re = (xryr+xiyi)/nrm; double im = (xiyr-xryi)/nrm; double A = ((fabs(xryr)+fabs(xiyi))+(fabs(xiyr)+fabs(xryi)))/nrm; double e = (5*HALFEPS)*((1+3*EPS)*A); return AComplex(re, im, e); @ \proposition{A/A} If |x| and |y| are |AComplex|, then $\reps{|x/y|} \supset \reps{|x|} / \reps{|y|}$. @<Definition of |x/y| for |AComplex x,y|@>= double nrm = y.z.re * y.z.re + y.z.im * y.z.im; double xryr = x.z.re*y.z.re; double xiyi = x.z.im*y.z.im; double xiyr = x.z.im*y.z.re; double xryi = x.z.re*y.z.im; assert(y.e*y.e < (10000*EPS*EPS)*nrm); double A = (fabs(xryr)+fabs(xiyi))+(fabs(xiyr)+fabs(xryi)); double B = x.e * (fabs(y.z.re) + fabs(y.z.im)) + y.e * (fabs(x.z.re) + fabs(x.z.im)); double e = (1+4*EPS)*( ((5*HALFEPS)*A + (1+103*EPS)*B) / nrm); return AComplex( (xryr+xiyi)/nrm, (xiyr-xryi)/nrm, e); @ If |x| is |XComplex|, then $\reps{|sqrt(x)|} \supset \sqrt{\reps{|x|}}$. @<Definition of |sqrt(x)| for |XComplex x|@>= double s = sqrt((fabs(x.re) + hypot(x.re, x.im)) * 0.5); double d = (x.im / s) * 0.5; double e = EPS*((1+4*EPS)*(1.25*s+1.75*fabs(d))); if (x.re > 0.0) return AComplex(s, d, e); else return AComplex(d, s, e); @ If |x| is |XComplex|, then $\reps{|absUB(x)|} \ge \abs{\reps{|x|}}$. @<Definition of |absUB(x)| for |XComplex x|@>= return (1+2*EPS)*hypot(x.re, x.im); @ If |x| is |XComplex|, then $\reps{|absLB(x)|} \le \abs{\reps{|x|}}$. @<Definition of |absLB(x)| for |XComplex x|@>= return (1-2*EPS)*hypot(x.re, x.im);